Information and reporting

Revisions to the financing formula
Free training webinars on best reporting practices

News and events

2014 Annual general assembly
Comparative study on the effectiveness of deposit vs. the curbside recycling systems

Innovate and optimize shines a light on successes!

We are pleased to present ÉEQ’s new and improved newsletter, which will continue to provide information on your responsibilities relating to the compensation plan. The refreshed format reflects our evolving role as a catalyst for the optimization of the curbside recycling value chain. We will be offering enhanced content, including contributing companies’ inspiring container, packaging and printed matter optimization initiatives, the latest news about our partners and the many initiatives ÉEQ undertakes in the interest of its members.  I hope you enjoy our new newsletter!

Maryse Vermette
President and Chief Executive Officer


Revisions to the financing formula

As announced during consultation meetings for ÉEQ’s 2014 Schedule of Contributions, work has begun on the revision of the fee formula used to develop each of its Schedules for the past 10 years. With this review process, ÉEQ is striving to simplify the Schedule methodology, establish more stable fee rates over the coming years and improve financial predictability for contributing companies. The process will also help companies better understand how the Schedule of Contributions is developed. Expect us to consult you regularly along the process.

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Free training webinars on best reporting practices

Follow the example of 140 other people who participated in webinars offered to food and consumer product manufacturers, retailers and distributors, and discover tips and advice to improve your reporting process. In order to provide contributing companies with continually improved support, ÉEQ is offering a 2014 series of online training on best practices to adopt when preparing to produce a Company Report. Training sessions in June will offer information on reporting modalities and tips on identifying an efficient and tailored methodology as well as deductions to which the company may be entitled.

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Value chain optimization drives ÉEQ action

ÉEQ held its Annual General Assembly on April 24, 2014, where attendees learned more about the year’s highlights reported in the recently published Annual Report (English version available soon). Board Chair Denis Brisebois emphasized how EPR has changed in the 10 years since ÉEQ came into being and the need to meet new business requirements. That context has led the organization to move beyond its financial responsibility and get involved in enhancing Quebec’s curbside recycling system. It is therefore from that perspective that ÉEQ’s 2013-2016 strategic plan and the recast of its general by laws were presented. These two documents have the same purpose: to establish a framework and acquire the means to take action as a major figure in the system, in its members’ interest, and consolidate the move from the role of collector to the crucial role of optimizer that ÉEQ is planning to play at every step of the curbside recycling value chain.

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ÉEQ takes part in a comparative study on the effectiveness of deposit vs. the curbside recycling systems

On March 27, 2014, ÉEQ and bacs+ met with researchers from CREATE (Centre de Recherche en économie de l’Environnement, de l’Agroalimentaire, des Transports et de l’Énergie) regarding a comparative study on the effectiveness of deposit vs. the curbside recycling systems relating to the recovery of drink containers. To support CREATE, mandated by the government to carry out the study, ÉEQ and bacs+ presented a set of data and rigorous studies developed with the help of KPMG-SECOR. The data demonstrates the potential and effectiveness of the curbside recycling system once necessary investments are made to enhance this means of recovery. We will continue to closely monitor this important project.

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Metro optimized its concentrated broth bottle by reducing the use of materials that are problematic for recycling.

One of the measures Metro implemented consisted in designing the container so as to eliminate rigid PVC plastic.  Find out more about the ecodesign packaging strategies Metro and other companies have implemented!

ÉEQ shines a light on companies’ optimization successes. Put your company centre-stage by publishing an OptimAction summary sheet and be recognized in this section of the newsletter!

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Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is the organization that develops the Schedule of Contributions and collects company contributions, which are then redistributed to finance municipal curbside recycling services in Quebec. ÉEQ also encourages innovation and best practices in order to optimize the recyclable materials value chain. To do so, ÉEQ cooperates, on the one hand, with companies to reduce quantities of materials at the source and encourage the use of recyclable materials, as well as with municipalities and other stakeholders to increase recycling and the economic value of recovered materials.

Created by companies that put containers, packaging and printed matter on Quebec’s market, ÉEQ is a private non-profit organization that was accredited by RECYC-QUÉBEC in 2005 under the Environment Quality Act.

© Éco Entreprises Québec 2014 – All rights reserved, 1600, René-Lévesque Blvd. West, Montréal (Québec), H3H 1P9

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