In addition to making life easier for parents thanks to its multi-use concept, SENS bar shampoo is made exclusively with natural ingredients, such as sunflower oil, cocoa butter and shea butter. At SENS, our raison d’être is providing you with a product that’s all about your well-being, without compromise. So naturally, we selected and designed packaging to protect and distribute our product safely, while leaving the smallest possible carbon footprint.
To achieve that, we carried out a multiple-criteria evaluation and received guidance from Maillon Vert’s consulting team.
On average, shampoo bars comparable to SENS’ product require three packaging elements for marketing: A label/individual box, an in-store display and a shipping package for online purchases.
The main challenge was to combine a reasonable cost (which is reflected in the retail sale price) with good product performance, an efficient customer experience and an attractive image. We performed market studies, consulted with stakeholders (shops and consumers) and carried out environmental assessments.
Additionally, several other challenges arose from our decision to not use an individual label/box, including the placement of bars in displays, enabling in-store scanning of bars at the cash and the acceptability of selling “naked” bars.
Compared to traditional displays, our display offers a differentiated image on shelving. Its design includes a space to accommodate the bars, which ensures that they are protected during shipping to stores.
Our willingness to reduce individual single-use packaging at the source for our SENS shampoo bar is completely aligned with our raison d’être and helps us raise customer awareness regarding the impacts of packaging.
With the help of Maillon Vert, we estimate that for each lot of 10,000 shampoo bars sold, the environmental costs avoided are as follows: