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Client : Metro

In market: 2020

Objectives of the initiative

The main goal of the ecodesign initiative for the Irresistible chips assortment was to improve logistics by reducing the number of trucks needed to deliver them. Transportation and storage steps showed areas for improvement, and it was important to optimize those and align them with our Packaging and Printed Materials Management Policy.

The carbon footprint of trucks transporting chip boxes from the production plant to storage warehouses was reduced thanks to a reduction in the number of boxes. This reduction translated into better palletization and an increase in quantities of products that could be transported per trip, in addition to reducing the quantity of cardboard used for each box.


The main challenge in optimizing palletization of boxes was to determine the maximum reduction possible for boxes without interfering with the product’s protection.

The box height was reduced by a little over one inch, and the length was reduced by three inches, just enough to avoid the chips breaking inside the bags. By reducing the empty space in boxes, it was possible to envision a more efficient palletization, to test it and deploy it.


Improvements made on the Irresistibles chips assortment primarily impacts the product’s transportation and storage stages. They take place before the product hits the shelves and therefore do not entail any change for consumers.

The optimization of boxes has reduced their weight and volume while maintaining a capacity of 16 units. This reduction in volume now makes it possible to transport 1,440 boxes per truck, or 240 additional boxes. In addition, reducing the space occupied by pallets also improves the management of warehouse space.

In short, this optimization translates into a reduction in transportation costs, a reduction of the number of trucks on the roads and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Optimization actions taken

The weight of the box was reduced by 118g, from 612g to 494g. Its dimensions have been reduced from 24 '' x 16 '' x 12 '' (length x width x height) to 24 '' x 13 '' x 10.8 ''.

Modifying the dimensions of the box and palletization has lead to trucks being able to transport an extra 240 boxes.


15% Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

16% Reduction of the production-mass ratio

16% Reduction of the quantity of materials used

26% Reduction in the number of containers used to transport 1 ton of product