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We are the new manager of the curbside recycling system for the entire province. We are introducing major changes to make the system more efficient and sustainable.

Our role: Producer Responsibility Organization for curbside recycling

We have been appointed by the government to manage the curbside recycling system on behalf of brand holders, distributors, and marketers of containers, packaging, and printed paper in Quebec.

The benefits of a modernized curbside recycling system

Like a project manager, Éco Entreprises Québec is responsible for planning and overseeing all operations related to selective collection, as well ensuring that each component is optimized.

We are the the project manager for the following:

  • Fully funding the municipal collection service for containers, packaging, and printed paper rolled out by municipalities;
  • Spreading clear, consistent messages to help the public sort materials correctly;
  • Overseeing the curbside collection, transportation, and frontline services for residents through partnership agreements with municipalities;
  • Ensuring that curbside collection frequencies meet the needs of different communities;
  • Supplying blue bins to municipalities;
  • Awarding sorting contracts for recovered materials to over 20 sorting centres;
  • Raising performance and quality standards at sorting centres;
  • Implementing a tracking system for recovered materials to ensure they are properly recycled or recovered in neighbouring markets;
  • Marketing materials to ensure they are recycled or repurposed;
  • Introducing financial incentives and developing tools to help companies selling containers, packaging, and printed paper in Quebec to adopt ecodesign and recyclability best practices.

An essential role in the circular economy of containers, packaging, and printed paper.

What is new in the curbside recycling system for the public?

  1. There is now a single list of recovered materials for all of Quebec.
  2. All containers, packaging, and printed paper are accepted in recycling bins.
  3. Blue bins are gradually being introduced throughout Quebec, replacing clear plastic bags and different coloured bins.

Our Bin Impact awareness initiative regularly runs campaigns to educate Quebecers about the impact of their sorting habits and to inform them of good recycling practices.

Discover Bin Impact

See also