Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) today unveiled its guidelines for the ecodesign and recyclability of packaging, becoming the first EPR (extended producer responsibility) organization in North America to produce such tools. The guidelines are destined to producers in various sectors, such as food, cosmetics, hardware and pharmaceuticals, as well as retailers and manufacturers.
The lauching took place during the event L'industrie alimentaire à table : l'aliment, l'emballage et la lutte au gaspillage, co-organized by ÉEQ with the Conseil de la transformation alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ) and the Retail Council of Canada (RCC).
“These guidelines, drawn up on the basis of our knowledge of the field and a review of international guides, aim to help producers' understanding and adoption of ecodesign and recyclability. They are designed to be accessible and ready to use to best support players in their business practices.”
— Philippe Cantin, Vice President, Producer Responsability
These guidelines, drawn up by Éco Entreprises Québec, represent a significant step towards the ecodesign and recyclability of packaging in Quebec. Their main purpose is to:
The Éco Entreprises Québec team has detailed recyclability guidelines by packaging material type, packaging characteristic and material combination. These design statements are classified as preferable if they do not cause a problem during sorting, packaging and recycling, or disruptive if they affect recyclability or make the packaging non-recyclable.
“We are pleased to have made available APR’s technical expertise and plastics design guidance to support Éco Entreprises Québec’s recyclability guidelines. Collaboration in our space eliminates confusion and betters plastic packaging design which, in turn, improves plastics recycling and enhances the efficiency of the entire recycling process.”
— Curt Cozart, Chief Operating Officer, for the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR)
The modernization of curbside recycling is possible because producers - as members of ÉEQ financing the entire system - are responsible for the management of their materials, from design to end-of-life cycle.