Montréal, January 26, 2022 — It is with great enthusiasm that Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) welcomes the new draft regulation concerning the curbside recycling system published in the Gazette Officielle today. This draft regulation aims to put companies at the heart of the curbside recycling system by giving them full responsibility for the containers, packaging and printed matter they put on the market, from design to recycling, with a view to circular economy.
“After many months of consultation with various partners, the Government of Quebec is taking a new step towards modernizing the curbside recycling system. In the coming years, companies will be able to develop, implement and financially support the system to integrate long-awaited quality standards in order to ensure the traceability of materials and transparent accountability as well as innovate and position curbside recycling as a fundamental economic pillar” announced Maryse Vermette, President and CEO at ÉEQ.
ÉEQ will position itself as soon as the draft regulation comes into force in order to be named Designated Stewardship Organization (DSO) of the curbside recycling system for and on behalf of the thousands of companies it has represented for more than 15 years.
“In the last months, we have worked extremely hard alongside our governance structure to target the key circumstances needed for a successful implementation of the modernized curbside recycling system,” says Ms. Vermette. ÉEQ will therefore analyze the draft regulation from the perspective of these winning conditions, consult its associative partners and send its recommendations to the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques.
ÉEQ will be holding information sessions to the intent of contributing companies at the beginning of March.
Consult the draft regulation:
ÉEQ is a private non-profit organization that represents companies who market containers, packaging and printed matter in Quebec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.
As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.
Media inquiries:
Marie-Eve Morin
Director of Communications
Éco Entreprises Québec
514 987-1491, ext. 261