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April 18, 2024 Press release

Éco Entreprises Québec completes a pivotal year: the Modernization of Curbside Recycling Is Being Set in Motion

Montreal, April 18, 2024 — The year 2023 was marked by many accomplishments for Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), which provided its members with a highly satisfactory report, both in terms of the activities completed for the modernized curbside recycling system and the relationships established with stakeholders.

During the Annual General Meeting held virtually this morning, the Board Chair, Denis Brisebois, and the CEO, Maryse Vermette, presented and commented on the highlights of the last fiscal year. Daniel Denis, Non-Member Director and Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, presented the Statement of Operations.

The annual activity report published today shows that, over the past few months, the Éco Entreprises Québec producer responsibility organization (PRO) has laid solid foundations for the modernized curbside recycling system.


  • Some 2,500 producers have signed a membership contract and have thus become members of Éco Entreprises Québec ;
  • $214.7 million was paid by Éco Entreprises Québec members in the 2023 Schedule of Contributions under the compensation plan for municipalities;
  • Since the creation of Éco Entreprises Québec in 2005, a total of more than $2.2 billion has been paid in compensation to municipalities for the financing of curbside recycling services;
  • Éco Entreprises Québec's CEO and her team toured the province to listen to municipal organizations. They met with more than 150 elected officials or municipal managers in 7 regions of Quebec, not to mention the meetings of Éco Entreprises Québec representatives with the municipal unions – UMQ and FQM – in which more than 1,000 people from the municipal sector took part;
  • In the spirit of modernizing curbside recycling, municipal organizations have joined forces to help optimize the system. On April 10, 2024, at least 115 partnership agreements were signed or were about to be signed with as many municipal organizations representing 87% of the population living in 1,137 municipalities in Quebec for front-line services;
  • Éco Entreprises Québec worked on the ideation and creation of its new brand name, Bin Impact, launched in January 2024. This launch coincided with a major province-wide public awareness campaign on the curbside recycling of recyclable materials to encourage Quebecers to sort properly at the source on a daily basis;
  • 2 new directors representing Éco Entreprises Québec members were elected by acclamation to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting:
    • Dominique Bohec, Dumas Bakery and Pastry, Aliments 2000 and Les Pâtes de l’Île
    • Christopher Phare, 3M Canada
  • 5 directors were re-elected to the Board of Directors, 3 of whom represent Éco Entreprises Québec members:
    • Sylvain Mayrand, A. Lassonde Inc.
    • Thierry Lopez, Best Buy Canada Ltd.
    • Audrey Rzasa, Nespresso
    • Pierre Renaud, non-member director
    • Daniel Denis, non-member director
  • Finally, in recent weeks, an organizational transformation took place to complete Éco Entreprises Québec's preparation to oversee, manage and finance all curbside recycling services in Quebec. The exercise was planned in accordance with the organization’s mission and values, with the support of the Board of Directors and the guidance of experts.


“We are completing the work to bring the modernization of curbside recycling into force in January 2025 with the signing of contracts for sorting and material sales. The vast process undertaken to conclude partnership agreements with municipal organizations for front-line services required significant work. It resulted in a small revolution because in Quebec we now have groups of municipal organizations which are signing agreements.”

— Maryse Vermette, President and Chief Executive Officer

“In 2023, the Éco Entreprises Québec team was very present in the field and achieved its objectives, while ensuring sound governance for the coming years. The transition to EPR curbside recycling will require an additional financial effort for our members, but we are confident that this investment will provide tangible results for system optimization.”

— Denis Brisebois, Board Chair

About Éco Entreprises Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec, a private non-profit organization, is the new manager of the entire curbside recycling system and represents companies that market containers, packaging and printed paper in Quebec. Our mission is to enable Quebecers to recover more and better, ensure a second life for recyclable materials and contribute to the circular economy throughout the province. Bin Impact, the new reference in curbside recycling in Quebec, aims to educate people on the right way to sort materials and to raise awareness of the impact of what we put in the bin.

For more information

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Marie-Claude Rivet
Manager, Strategy and Public Affairs
514 987-1491, 237