80% of Quebecers participate in curbside recycling every day, and even more (89%) would like to know more about how to correctly sort recyclable materials.
Montréal, Monday, January 15, 2024 – Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ)—the Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) for curbside recycling across Quebec—is proud to introduce its new citizen brand, Bin Impact. The launch coincides with a major Quebec awareness campaign on curbside recycling aimed to show Quebecers how to correctly sort their recyclable materials every day.
At the same time, ÉEQ is unveiling the results of a recent survey on Quebecers’ recycling habits. The survey shows that, while almost all (98%) of Quebecers participate in curbside recycling at home—with 80% who say they recycle every day—only 17% always double check if they’re not sure whether their materials are actually recyclable before placing them in the bin.
“As the organization in charge of managing curbside recycling, we want to raise public awareness of the importance of sorting to improve the quality and quantity of the materials sent to sorting centres. Bin Impact is a positive and engaging initiative to improve the system’s efficiency at a time when many questions still remain about what should—or should not—go in the bin.”
– Maryse Vermette, ÉEQ President and CEO.
“Many Quebecers participate in curbside recycling and are generally keen to do it the right way. The results of the Leger survey are reassuring and show that people are open to taking the necessary steps to help improve the system.”
– Denis Brisebois, Vice President, Operations, Metro Banner, and Chair of the ÉEQ Board.
Since 2005, ÉEQ, a private non-profit organization, has represented producers of containers, packaging and printed matter regarding their financial responsibilities for curbside recycling. Named Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in 2022, ÉEQ manages the curbside recycling system in Quebec from a sustainable development perspective.
As a leader in extended producer responsibility, ÉEQ develops, manages and provides circular economy solutions to its member producers so they can reduce their environmental footprint. To achieve this, ÉEQ places ecodesign, recyclability and traceability at the core of all actions with its partners. ÉEQ will continue its role as a certified organization throughout the transition from the compensation plan to EPR curbside recycling.
Marie-Claude Rivet
Manager, Strategy and Public Affairs
Éco Entreprises Québec
514-987-1491, ext. 237
Information or requests for interviews:
Sébastien Lachaine