Montreal, December 1, 2022 – Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), recently appointed as a Designated Management Organization (DMO) by the Government of Quebec, was given the responsibility to manage and implement the modernization of curbside recycling in late October. ÉEQ is taking immediate action by launching a call for qualification for the construction and operation of a new sorting center serving the east end of the island of Montreal. This first concrete action as a prime contractor responds to the challenges posed by the announced end of the current operating contract of the Complexe Environnemental St-Michel (CESM) in the fall of 2024. ÉEQ intends to develop a sustainable partnership that reflects its increased obligations under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
"Recent events have repeatedly shown us the challenges posed by the sorting capacities of recyclable materials in the Greater Montreal area. We know that the capacity challenges are present for the eastern part of the island of Montreal, but also in the surrounding areas. Considering the critical aspects of the situation in Montreal and in order to ensure that we act with equity, responsibility and vigilance, it is essential to launch a call for qualification to companies managing sorting centers now.”
- Maryse Vermette, President and CEO of ÉEQ.
Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization representing companies that market containers, packaging, and printed matter in Quebec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.
As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.
Arielle Grenier
Advisor, Media relations and partnerships
Éco Entreprises Québec
514 987-1491, extension 274