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June 14, 2022 Press release

Enactment of the regulation for the modernization of curbside recycling: companies and partners invited as of now to engage with Éco Entreprises Québec

Montreal, June 14, 2022 — Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is pleased to see that the regulation meets a vast majority of the winning conditions it put forward for a successful implementation of the extended producer responsibility for the diversion and recycling of containers, packaging and printed matter in Quebec. With all the necessary leverage to regain the confidence of producers and citizens, ÉEQ will submit its official application to become the Designated Management Organization (DMO) for curbside recycling within the following weeks. ÉEQ invites businesses which it has been representing for over 15 years to now support this designation.

Partners will also be invited to participate within the consultation structure which will be put into place during the transition. « With tight deadlines, work with municipal organizations will have to be launched this fall. The implementation with our other partners such as sorting centres, conditioners and recyclers will take place as early as 2023. Staying true to our DNA, we will provide an inspiring and committed leadership during the development of a system which will bring forward solutions to address the challenges we currently face. I will have the opportunity to go on a tour of the regions this fall, where I will meet up with municipal elected representatives and managers, and visit material recovery facilities (MRF),” explains Maryse Vermette, President and CEO at ÉEQ.


  • The modernization of curbside recycling follows a unique government-established cocreation process which has included all actors in the recycling value chain. It is based on an extended producer responsibility (EPR) model. Starting in 2025, companies will have full responsibility over the containers, packaging and printed matters they market, from their design to their recycling, in a perspective of circular economy.
  • This regulatory framework will offer new opportunities presently absent for companies that finance the current system, which include being the primary instructing party and owner of the materials. Ensuring traceability, quality control as well as local and regional recycling will also be part of the new set of rules.
  • Consultation committees will focus on identifying issues and winning conditions of this transformation. They will also provide a space to comment on the implementation’s fundamental principles.
    These committees will touch on the four following topics: Materials ecodesign and recyclability, Recycling and marketing of the material, Material recovery facilities as well as Municipal partners for front-line services.
  • ÉEQ will submit its application in September 2022 to be named DMO as of October 2022. The organization intends to fulfill this role with fairness, empowerment and vigilance. It has also adopted a new purpose: From Curbside Recycling to Circular Economy: Together for a Sustainable World.

About Éco Entreprises Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization that represents the companies that place containers, packaging and printed matter on the market in Quebec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.

As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.

Patrick Charette-Dionne
Advisor, Partner Relations

Information and interview requests:
Philippe Cantin
Vice-President, Public Affairs and Government Relations
Éco Entreprises Québec