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October 10, 2023 Press release

Unwrapping, the English version of Tout déballer – a documentary that exposes the issues related to the packaging lifecycle – is finally available

Montreal, October 10, 2023 — It has been almost a year since the first screening of Tout déballer, a French-language documentary that shed light on the complex system behind packaging and its many functions. This project is the result of a collaboration between Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) and the École de design of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Since its launch, Tout déballer has continued to be highly appreciated by audiences, even across the ocean. ÉEQ and UQAM are proud to announce the launch of the English version for the English-speaking community.

This documentary appeals to much more than companies that market packaged products or packaging producers. It is for everyone since our daily activities are punctuated by moments when we handle packaging.


“Since we put Tout déballer online a year ago and broadcast it many times on Savoir média and its various platforms, more than 155,000 viewers have seen the documentary and more than 300,000 views have been recorded! Following the launch, the ÉEQ team was asked by various industry stakeholders to make the documentary available to a wider audience on a North American and even a global scale. Companies, which market packaged products and printed matter, the stakeholders involved in the design and marketing process, and academia have all expressed their interest in it. We believe that the creation of an English version will allow wider distribution of the documentary and thus continue to raise awareness, encourage positive change and democratize the ecodesign packaging process, for all stakeholders regardless of their linguistic community.”

— Maryse Vermette, President and CEO, Éco Entreprises Québec.


Tout déballer was designed with the objective of raising public awareness of the importance of design in the context of the environmental impact of packaging. The documentary film positions design as a catalyst for change and is a natural extension of my research and the vision that I have been teaching for over two decades at the UQAM École de design. Building on the success achieved within the French-speaking community since its launch, we have taken the initiative to expand our reach globally by launching the English version of the film, called Unwrapping. We want to raise awareness not only among the stakeholders involved in the creation of packaging, but also among future designers from design schools who will be responsible for designing the packaging of tomorrow.”

— Sylvain Allard, Professor of Design, Director of the Graphic Design Program, UQAM École de design


  • ÉEQ has received more than 65 requests for private screenings at various educational and sociocultural levels: municipal libraries, museums, environmental committees, and NPOs working for the community and the environment, among others.  
  • The majority of requests from different grade levels came mostly from the college and university level, but attracted the attention of the youngest in elementary, secondary and specialized schools. 
  • Over the past year, ÉEQ has participated in a number of events organized by its English-speaking industry partners across Canada and the United States in order to reach various target audiences. In addition, ÉEQ presented the trailer at two major industry events: 

About Éco Entreprises Québec 

Since 2005, Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), a private non-profit organization, has represented producers of containers, packaging and printed matter regarding their financial responsibilities for curbside recycling. Named Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in 2022, ÉEQ manages the curbside recycling system in Quebec from a sustainable development perspective.

As a leader in extended producer responsibility (EPR), ÉEQ develops, manages and provides circular economy solutions to its member producers so they can reduce their environmental footprint. To achieve this, ÉEQ places ecodesign, recyclability and traceability at the core of all actions with its partners. ÉEQ will continue its role as a certified organization throughout the transition from the compensation plan to EPR curbside recycling.

About UQAM and the École de design 

UQAM is a French-language public university with an international reputation. Located in the heart of the city, at the centre of the evolution of Montreal and Quebec, it uses its expertise to address the issues affecting our planet. The originality and specific characteristics of its 300 programs of study, its research activities rooted in social concerns and its creative innovations have helped to build its reputation. It has more than 280,000 graduates working in all spheres of activity.

Founded in 1974, the Faculty of Design became the École de design in 2000. Attached to UQAM’s Faculty of Arts, the École de design offers a bachelor’s degree in environmental design and graphic design as well as a number of graduate programs, including a master’s degree in environmental design.

Additional Information 

To watch the English version of the documentary, click: Unwrapping 

Arielle Grenier 
Media Relations and Partners 
Éco Entreprises Québec 
514-987-1491, ext. 274