ÉEQ welcomes the creation of an advisory committee on residual materials: ÉEQ’s President and CEO will co-chair the committee

Montréal, November 10, 2014 – Today, David Heurtel, Minister of Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, launched the Comité-conseil sur les matières résiduelles (advisory committee on residual materials). The committee’s mandate is to advise the government on the implementation of Quebec’s Residual Materials Management Policy and other issues relating to residual materials. The first meeting of the advisory committee, co-chaired by Maryse Vermette, President and CEO of Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), was held today.

ÉEQ welcomes Minister Heurtel’s decision to set up an advisory committee on residual materials management and, more particularly, on the optimization and reevaluation of the role and responsibilities of stakeholders involved the compensation for municipal services provided to recover and reclaim residual materials, which is one of the five major issues on which government officials will focus.

“ÉEQ’s participation in the advisory committee is closely aligned with the mandate our members gave us. ÉEQ wishes to go beyond financing the net costs of the curbside recycling programs, to which companies that put containers, packaging and printed matter on Quebec’s market now contribute more than $130 million annually, and share the expertise we have acquired over the past ten years in optimizing Quebec’s curbside recycling system,” said Ms. Vermette. “The Minister can count on our full cooperation to offer recommendations in order to make Quebec a model in residual materials management,” she concluded.

» Read press release “Le ministre Heurtel met de l’avant de nouvelles initiatives pour réduire les matières résiduelles et faire du Québec une société sans gaspillage” (French only)

» Read press release “Le ministre Heurtel lance les travaux du Comité-conseil sur les matières résiduelles” (French only)

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About Éco Entreprises Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is the organization that develops the Schedule of Contributions and collects company contributions, which are then redistributed to finance municipal curbside recycling services in Quebec. ÉEQ also encourages innovation and best practices in order to optimize the recyclable materials value chain. To do so, ÉEQ cooperates, on the one hand, with companies to reduce quantities of materials at the source and encourage the use of recyclable materials, as well as with municipalities to increase recycling and the economic value of recovered materials. ÉEQ is a private non-profit organization created by companies that put containers, packaging and printed matter on Quebec’s market. The organization was accredited by RECYC-QUÉBEC in 2005 under the Environment Quality Act.

For information:
Virginie Bussières
Communications Director
514-987-1491, ext. 225