Framework agreement with municipalities: ÉEQ emphasizes collaboration

Éco Entreprises Québec is happy to present municipal organizations with a new framework agreement (in French only) that falls within the curbside recycling system’s major transformation.

In a spirit of partnership and collaboration, ÉEQ has thoroughly reviewed this original document, article by article, to better respond to the municipal needs and concerns. With over a hundred amendments, involved parties can confidently adhere to this new agreement and look to the future.

Among the changes made, the ÉEQ team has:

  • Discarded non-essential or redundant elements;
  • Significantly reduced accounting
  • Resolved jurisdictional issues for certain MOs
  • Replaced penalties in regards to environmental practices
  • Promoted flexibility

With this, ÉEQ wishes to pursue its partnership with municipalities in working towards their common goal: the system’s efficiency and quality service for citizens. Everything is in place to ensure a fluid and harmonious transition into the new system.

The modernization of the curbside recycling system is an unprecedented, major transformation in Quebec. Changes are already taking place with the involvement of producers, both on a financial and participatory level.

With municipalities, knowing the specificities of their respective communities is also recognized as essential to the success of this current transformation. The first step to this end is signing the contractual agreement with ÉEQ and maintaining service for citizens.

In this regard, under the Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la récupération et la valorisation de produits par les entreprises (in French only), the deadline for signing the framework agreement with ÉEQ is now November 7, 2023.

From curbside recycling to a circular economy: Together for a sustainable world!