Revision of ÉEQ’s fee formula

As announced during consultation meetings for ÉEQ’s 2014 Schedule of Contributions, the organization began a diagnostic phase as part of work to revise the fee formula it has used to develop each of its Schedules of Contributions for the past 10 years. With this review process, ÉEQ is striving to simplify the Schedule methodology, establish more stable fee rates over the coming years and improve financial predictability and liquidity management for contributing companies. The process will also help companies better understand how the Schedule of Contributions is developed.

ÉEQ understands that it is indeed difficult for companies to plan for financial obligations and liquidity management when fee rates vary from year to year. Given major developments in the curbside recycling system and the availability of better knowledge, it is time to rethink our procedures. Fee formula revision will be carried out with the help of industry partners and external experts.

The resulting proposal, which will either establish the status quo or determine avenues for improvement or change, will be presented to companies via a consultative process. As a first step, we will conduct meetings, surveys and webinars in an inclusive participatory process in order to involve companies and other targeted stakeholders and obtain a broad spectrum of views.

For more information, please contact Company Services.